
I am a naturally nostalgic person. It’s a funny thing, too, because I have a really crappy memory. Maybe that’s why I cherish them so much– each memory I keep is a little miracle. This past weekend, Penny and I spent some hours together, mostly getting pedicures. At one point, I leaned over to her […]


It frustrates me when I can’t understand or explain what I’m feeling. I retreat into myself only to find that it’s uncomfortable in there, so I come back out but only enough to be in a sort of limbo. I’m taking up as little room as possible both in the world and in my own […]

permission to be okay

Friday night, after I was already in pajama pants and parked in front of my laptop, I got a text invitation to Bua’s house. If my life were a movie, this is where the dramatic, suspenseful music would start up. Before I could give any lazy thoughts time to grow, I told her I was […]


When I sat down to plan out my year, I truly forgot to take something into account: those things that cannot be planned for. I’m not saying I should’ve seen these things coming but I do feel like maybe I didn’t leave any room in my head (or my planner)(or my goal sheet)(or my life […]


I never tried to run away from home, even as a child. I’m not even sure when I was exposed to that concept. In my memories, “running away” is on a shelf with “groundings” and “allowances,” otherwise known as things other people had to tell me about. All foreign words in the Valverde house. I […]

dead blog

Confession: Way before I quit writing on this blog last year, I quit reading blogs. I told myself I didn’t have the time to navigate what had become the overwhelming jungles of my reader.  I was busy writing on my entertainment website, responding to those comments, Tweeting, Instagramming, watching Netflix and occasionally even re-blogging or […]


Here’s the thing about production: it leaves way less time for consumption. That’s pretty obvious, but it’s also a thing that’s been weighing on me in the past weeks. At some point in my non-stop schedule of writing, recording, editing and posting, I became overwhelmed with the need to consume– to pause all production and just be […]


Every once in a while, I come across a reason to search through the archives of this blog. Most recently, it was while referencing my love for 90’s Dean Cain. Of course, digging through almost 400 posts always ends with some sucker punch to the feels or other. How can it not? Here I’ve documented […]


During the summer of 2009, I found myself feeling stupid enough to dream. I mean that in the best way possible. I think it takes a certain measure of stupidity, absurdity, and suspension of disbelief to truly dig your heels into dreaming. It’s a sad day when we find ourselves too practical for our whimsies. […]

exhausted affection

I know my now-four-year-old-niece loves me, and I know that it’s partially the result of brain washing. Before she was truly old enough to understand the concept of a “best friend” I coached her to list me as hers. I even stole a song and made it our own: Gailey and Tati, Gailey and Tati, Gailey and Tati! […]